Recent events in the life of Sam- Graduation. High school graduation, that is. Throwing that cap and sitting through a three and a half hour ceremony in order to receive a tiny little piece of paper that basically says you survived the easiest years of your life, so far. It was exciting. I may have cried a tiny little bit. I savored the moment with all my might. To me, it seemed natural. An unforced, healthy slide from arms of childhood to the backbone of being an adult. I'm ready to move on, ready for new adventures. Ready to embrace the road in front of me and accomplish things that I never thought I could. It's time, I suppose, to grow up. And I've never been more excited for anything.
They're beyond ready to kick me out. I don't blame them. |
They're just excited because they don't have to share a house with me anymore. |
My good friend and walking buddy, Mr. AJ. |
So proud of this cap wearing, graduation speaking, beard wearing best friend of mine. |
The only one not going to Snow College? Me. So yeah, I'm gonna miss my best friends. |
My first handshake as a proper adult. |
And there you have it, folks. Sam is primed and ready to hit the road. I'm not going far-not yet. BYU is only a forty five minute drive from my house, on a trafficky day. Go Cougs. But someday, maybe I'll finally live in Boston. Maybe I'll see the hills of Scotland and climb the Eiffel Tower. I'll meet people in Ghana or Russia or Egypt, or maybe all three. I'll write. I'll talk. I'll experience all that life has to offer me. I'll find out who the love of my life is meant to be. I'll be an aunt, and maybe even a mommy someday. I'll be who God intended me to be. And I cannot wait for that to begin.
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