"Let me explain," she started, her voice confident, her meaning absolute. The words existed in her head. They were already breathing, a horse behind a derby gate. Hesitation was not an option. The gate would either be opened calmly or destroyed, her choice.
"I can explain," she reiterated, the surety sliding a bit. Perhaps the horse could wait a bit longer. He was mature-his training was near completion. He was not a young colt anymore. Movement was his preference, but not his only option. Patience had begun to take root in him. Perhaps he could afford to use a bit of it. This was not procrastination. It was just a way to bide the little time she had left.
He looked at her, questions bubbling to the surface of his eyes. His emotions rarely escaped drowning in his deeply private soul, but on occasions such as this, confusion was the life raft. The tears began to form. Little by little, one by one, they gathered where he could see them. He fought them with batting eyes and self conscious blinks, but the dam had burst. The damage had been done.
She looked at him, the first time that night. Truly looked. She gasped a bit, sucking in the tenuous air between them, enchanted by what she saw. Diamonds were running down his face. They were tinted with embarrassment and tinged in despair, but they were raw. They were real. And suddenly, her well thought out words were not. The horse-that horse that she had groomed to perfection with reasoning and logic and endless comparisons-that horse wandered away from the gate and into the subconscious soul from whence he came. And she was free. She continued to stare as she silently grasped his hand, a sensation stronger than reason filling its leftover space. And then they created their jewels together. The diamonds rolled down their lovely faces and dripped onto each other's shoulders. A harmony of riches dripped to the dirt below them. A rosebush later took root there.
Love cannot be explained away, I suppose.
PS- No, this is not a true story. But what a beautiful thing to assume.
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